What does Local 634 do for me?
Wondering what we provide to our members? Read on to see just a few of the things that Local 634 does for you!

Health Benefits & Welfare Fund
Local 634 consults with the Philadelphia School District on medical benefits for eligible workers and also provides additional benefits for all members in the form of: Prescription, Dental, Orthodontic, Vision, Orthotic, Wig, and Guardian Nurse services. For more information, click here.
Legal Services Plan
Local 634's Legal Services Plan allows all members to retain the services of an attorney at no cost for many legal services. The plan provides top quality professional representation so that members can protect their rights without the cost of hiring an attorney. The only fees members may pay are out-of-pocket court costs, all of which are explained prior to any cost being charged. For more information, contact our provider counsel, Willig, Williams, & Davidson, at (215) 656-3600 or visit their website at https://www.wwdlaw.com/.

Worker Protections
On the topic of proper representation, Local 634 also ensures that our members are properly represented in the workplace. Local 634 members, as with all union-represented workers in America, have what are called Weingarten rights. In short, these rules allow a worker to request that a union representative be present at meetings between the member and an employer and to deny speaking to an employer without a union representative present. For more information on Weingarten rights and your rights at work in general click here.
Scholarship Fund
All members who have completed at least 8 years of work with the School District of Philadelphia and their dependent children are eligible for application to our scholarship fund. Scholarship applications are due by April 30th for the Fall term and November 30th for the Spring term. For more information on applying to our scholarship fund, call our office at (215) 440-0245 or email us at local634@unitehere.org.